Construction on the dam

Construction on the dam

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Picture

The dam is not expected to meet energy needs but will help major flooding problems. More then a million people are being resettled and there's a huge loss of ecosystems and endangered animals due to the pollution. People can use this issue to understand other locations and similar issues by understanding how this project affected the areas around the dam. They can also see how this issue affected china as a whole.


  1. Dear Sophia,
    This sounds very productive and it will help lots of people. Can't wait to here more about it.

  2. Sophia and Kevin,
    I can't believe that this is the biggest dam in the world, they spent all this money on it and it only has a 50 year life expectancy! It is, in a sense, like my topic-preserving coral reefs-because many plants and animals are dying due to the polluted water. One difference though, is that yours is standing polluted water and mine is polluted ocean water.
    ~Cassidy Toth

  3. Wow the Dm must be huge!!! It's like the over population in Japan. Its destroying homes of the animals by having to build more homes. Its also making some animals extinct.
    -Amanda Krog
